
Yobe state university school fees

In this article we shall be discussing on yobe state university school fees, cut off mark, courses offered and hostel fees.

yobe state university logo,yobe state university school fees

History of yobe state university

The noble idea of establishing a state university in Damaturu was recommended to the state government by the committee on a blueprint for the educational development of Yobe state, its sub-committee on higher education submitted the report stating the desirability for a university in Yobe.

Following the NUC’s encouragement of state and private organization to establish viable universities and the rapid growth of post-primary and tertiary institutions in the state became obvious that a large number of potential university candidates would emerge seeking admission into the university in Yobe.

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The state under the leadership of his Excellency governor Bukar Abba Ibrahim decided to establish a university named Bukar Abba Ibrahim University and immediately constituted the planning committee with Professor Muhammad Nur Alkali as Chairman. The committee started to plan the take-off of the university in January 2007.
The academic brief, the law, and master plan were produced and approved by the national universities commission (NUC) the university is planned for a 25 year period and provides the details of the vision, mission, philosophy and objectives, administrative structure, and research policy of the university. The brief captures the faculties, departments, and courses that the university shall establish at its inception and at its full maturity over a twenty-five year period. It also captures the number of staff and students that shall populate the university in the first ten years of its existence as well as the resources required
to run the university during the same period.

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courses in yobe state university

The following are the list of courses offered in yobe state University damaturu.
1. Arabic Studies
2. Linguistics / Arabic
3. Arabic and Islamic Studies
4. English Language
5. Linguistics / English
6. Linguistics / Hausa
7. Hausa
8. History
9. Islamic Studies
10. Education and Chemistry
11. Education and Biology
12. Education and Islamic Studies
13. Education and Geography
14. Education and History
15. Education and Physics
16. Science Education
17. Education and English Language
18. Education Arts
19. Education and Arabic
20. Education and Economics
21. Business Education
22. Law
23. Anatomy
24. Medicine and Surgery
25. Physiology
26. Physiotherapy
27. Biochemistry
28. Biological Science(s)
29. Physics
30. Chemistry
31. Geology
32. Statistics
33. Mathematics
34. Microbiology
35. Computer Science
36. Biology
37. Accounting
38. Business Administration
39. Public Administration
40. Economics
41. Geography
42. Political Science
43. Sociology and Anthropology
44. Sociology

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Yobe State University Postgraduate Programmes

M.A. Arabic (3 semesters)
PhD. Arabic (4 semesters)
M.A. Islamic Studies (3 semesters)
PhD Islamic Studies (4 semesters)
M.A. (Ed.) English Language Education (4 semesters)
PhD. English Language Education (6 semesters)
PGD Chemistry (2 semesters)
M.Sc. Chemistry (3 semesters)
PhD. Chemistry (6 semesters)
PGD GIS and Remote Sensing (2 semesters)
M.Sc. GIS and Remote Sensing (4 semesters)
PhD. GIS and Remote Sensing (6 semesters)
M.Sc. Geography (4 semesters)
PhD. Geography (6 semesters)
PGD Management (2 semesters)
M.Sc. Management (4 semesters)
PhD. Management (6 semesters)
PhD. Marketing (6 semesters)
PGD Public Policy and Administration (2 semesters)
PGD Banking and Finance (2 semesters)
PGD Education (2 semesters)
PGD Accounting (2 semesters)
PGD Food Quality and Safety (2 semesters)
PGD Local Government Administration (2 semesters)

yobe state university cut off mark

The official cut off Mark of Yobe state University damaturu is 140.

Yobe State University School Fees

The Yobe State University School Fees is estimated to be N30,000 to N40,000 depends the course you choose to study.

hostel yobe state university

The hostel accommodation fees of yobe state University damaturu is estimated to be N10,000.

yobe state university address

KM 7, Sir Kashim Ibrahim Way
P.M.B. 1144

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