
Suleja Academy

Suleja Academy is located at Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria.

suleja Academy
Federal Government Academy, Suleja is a National Centre for nurturing gifted and talented children. Students of the Academy are on Federal Government Scholarship which covers their tuition, boarding, feeding, uniforms and basic text/exercise books only.

federal government Academy suleja

The Federal Government Academy, also known as Suleja Academy, founded in 1986 by the Federal Government under the Babangida regime, is a Nigerian secondary school in Suleja.

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federal government academy, suleja school fees

The federal government Academy, suleja school fees is estimated to be N80,000

federal government academy suleja past questions and answers

We are very sorry for now. We don’t have the pass question for FGA Suleja but we are trying to get it once we have it we will post it here.

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suleja academy website


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