
List of Nupe Names

Nupe names and it’s meaning.

Nupe name, names of Nupe
By: Ndagi Abdullahi Amana Nupe (08034770801 Whatsapp).

Below are over 200 Nupe names with their meanings and etymological origins outline. These are few among the over 1000 Nupe names in the book titled ‘Nupe Names: Their Meanings and Etymologies’.

1. Adama = Father of all [Hausa, Kanuri: Adamu
2. Alfa = Islamic Teacher [< Yoruba: Alfa (Islamic Scholar< Arabic: Khalipha (Caliph)].
3. Aluwo = Powerful
4. Angulu = Holy Person, Savant, Priest, Undertaker, Corpse [Priestly Undertaker
5. Antu {also written as Hantu} = Favour, Gift [Hausa: Hannatu
6. Audu = Servant of God [Hausa: Audu
7. Baba = Father, Elderly [Hausa and Kanuri: Baba < Arabic: Aba (Father)].
8. Ba’bishe = Fowl Master, Poultry Farmer [Baba (Master, Father) + Bishe (Fowl)].
9. Badoko = Horse Master, Horse Keeper[Baba(Master, Father) + Doko(Horse)].
10. Ba’Kuso = Forest Keeper, Forest Prophet [Baba (Father, Master, Seer) + Kuso (Forest)].
11. Ba’lukuku = Pigeon Keeper [Baba (Master) + Lukuku (Pigeon)] .
12. Ba’masin = Tailor [Ba < Baba (Master) + Masin (Machine, Sewing machine)].

13. Banma = Parent’s Elder [Baba (Father, Elder) + Nma (Parent)].

14. Banna = Mother’s Elder [Baba (Father, Elder) + Nna(Mother, Madam)].

15. Ba’wusa = Sacred Person’s Man [Baba (Man, Master) + Wu (Person, Thing) + Esa (Holy, Sacred)].

16. Bele = Sovereign, Great King, Monarch [Be < Ebe (Person) + Ele (Almighty)]. Note: Bele is a very ancient Nupe royal title for a great emperor.

17. Birama = African [Semitic {Qur’anic and Biblical}: Ibrahim, Abraham (The African)].

18. Bologi = Fine, Beautiful, Handsome [Middle Nupe: Borogi (Smooth, Soft) < Old Nupe: Bwarwagi (Watery)].

19. Cata {wrongly written as Chata or Chatta or Chiata} = Sovereign, Head of State [Ca < Ce < Ece (Power) + Ata (King, Emperor)].

20. Cece {wrongly written as Cheche} = Powerful Person [Ce < Ece (Power)].

21. Ceceko {wrongly written as Checheko} = Great Powerful [Cece (Powerful Person) + Ko (Great)].

22. Cekpa {wrongly written as Chekpa} = Executive, Officer, Official [Ce (Power) + Kpa < Ekpa (Death, Killing)] .

23. Ceninya {wrongly written as Cheninya} = Commander, Leader, Head [Ce (Powerful) + Eni (Person) + Enya (Person)].

24. Dagaci {wrongly written as Dagachi} = Monarch [Kanuri: Dagaci < Old Nupe: Dagara, Tagara, Ata Gara (Emperor of the Gara Nupe People)] .

25. Dangana = Emperor [Hausa: Dangana < Kanuri: Dangana < Old Nupe: Tagara, Ata Gara (Emperor of the Ancient Gara Nupe Empire)] .

26. Daninya {wrongly written as Daniyan} = Kingly, Sovereign, Royalty [Da < Ta < Ata (King) + Ni, Eni (Person) + Enya (Person, Body)].

27. Danjuma = Friday Son [Hausa: Danjuma (Son of Friday) < Hausa: Dan (Son) + Arabic: Yawm al-Jum’at (Friday)].

28. Danladi {also pronounced and written as Danlade or Dalade} = Sunday Son [
29. Danlami = Thursday Son [Hausa: Danlami (Son of Thursday) < Hausa: Dan (Son) + Arabic: Yawm al-Hamis (Thursday)].

30. Dantala = Tuesday Son [Hausa: Dantala (Son of Tuesday) < Hausa: Dan (Son) + Arabic: Yawm ath-Thalatha (Tuesday)].

31. Dari = Mighty, Large, Big, Honourable Person [Da < Eda (Big, Large) + Ri < Eri(Thing)].

32. Dewo = Wealthy, Have Money [De (Have, Possess) + Ewo (Money, Power, Influence)] .

33. Dokodza = Rein, Horse rein [Doko (Horse) + Dza < Edza (Rope, Chain, Rein)].

34. Dombashi {also written as Donbashi} = Great Lord, Almighty King [Edo (Great) + Ba < Eba (Lord) + Shi < Eshi (Person)].

35. Dunguru = Emperor [Gara Nupe: Great King, Emperor]. Note: Dunguru was the royal title of the Emperor of the ancient Nupe Empire of Dunguru otherwise known as AtaGara..

36. Dunfia {wrongly written as Dunfya} = Monarch, King, Head of State [Edun (City, State) + Efia (King, Monarch)]. Dunfia is an Old Nupe word used as the royal title of the king of the Ife or Eba Nupe people. A variant of this word as survived as Alafin among the Oyo Yoruba people.

37. Dwale = Almighty Person, Ruler [Dwa < Du (Great) + Le, Ele (Might, Power)].

38. Dzukogi = Small Market [Dzuko (Market) + Gi (Small, Little)] .

39. Dzukoko = Big Market, Supermarket [Dzuko (Market) + Ko (Great, Large, Big)].

40. Dzuma = Friday [Hausa: Juma’a (Friday) < Arabic Yawm al-Jum’a (Friday)].

41. Dzwafu = Aboriginal Settlement, Ancient Town, Old City [Dzwa < Edzwa (Original, Ancient, Prehistoric) + Efu (City, Town, Settlement)].

42. Ebo = Person, Man [Old Nupe: Ebo (Person)].

43. Edozhigi = Campsite Settlement, Hut Town [Edo (Hut, Camp) + Ezhigi (Settlement, Town)].

44. Ejiko = King, Town Head [Eji < Ezhi (Settlement, Town) + Ko (Person)].

45. Etsu = King, God, Sun [derived from Etsa, Esa, Isa (Ancient Sara Nupe Trinity synonymous word for God, Sun and the King)].

46. Gabi = Emperor, King, Prince [Ega < Gara (Gara: King, Emperor) + Ebi (King, Emperor)] .

47. Galadima =Emperor, King, Royalty [Hausa: Galadima < Kanuri: Galadima < Gara Nupe: Garadi-Ma (King of the Gara People)].

48. Gana = Emperor [Old Nupe: Gara (Emperor)].

49. Gata = Kingly, Royal [Ga (Of) + Ata(King)].

50. Gbangba = Land, Field, Open Land [Egba (Earth, Land) + Egba (Earth, Land)].

51. Gborigi = Mighty Person, Very Powerful Person [Gbo (Mighty, Powerful) + Ri, Eri (Thing) + Gi, Egi (Thing)].

52. Gboya = Giant [Gbo (Big, Large) + Eya (person)].

53. Gimba = Lord, Holy Person, Prophet [Egi (Thing, Person) + Eba (Lord, God)].

54. Ginya {wrongly written as Ginyan} = Royal Person [Egi (Prince, King) + Enya (Person)].

55. Giwa = Great Person, Powerful Person, Elephant [Hausa: Giwa(Elephant)]. Note: Giwa is a royal salutation for a number of royal offices in reference to their greatness.

56. Gogo = Queen, Madam, Aunty, Grandmother [Middle Nupe: Gogo (Queen)].

57. Go’ogbo {shortened form of Go’Wogbo} = Empress, Powerful Queen [Go < Gogo (Queen) + Wogbo (Ultimate Power)].
58. Gulu = Holy Spirit, Sacred Thing [Gu < Ku (Earth, Death, Spirit) + Lu < Ru (Thing)].

59. Iye = Person [Iye (Soul (Life), Iya (Person)] .

60. Jiya = King, Chief [Eji < Ezhi (Settlement, Town) + Eya (person)].

61. Jiwo = King, Chief [Eji < Ezhi (Settlement, Town) + Ewo (Power)].

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62. Kafa = Royal, Kingly, King King [Old Nupe: Ka (Of, Owner) + Fa, Afa, Apa (Eba Nupe King, Ancient Eba Nupe Empire)].

63. Kaka = Grandmother, Aunty [Hausa: Kaka (Godmother, Grandmother) < Old Nupe: Ancient, Ancestor] Note: Kaka is also an Old Nupe word meaning ‘Ancestor’ or ‘Ancient’. But the Modern Nupe meaning of Kaka as ‘Grandmother’ or ‘Aunty’ derives from Hausa.

64. Kaso = Divine Person, Diviner, Prophet [Ka (Of, Thing) + So < Esa (God, Divinity)].

65. Katun = Knowledge [Hausa: Karatun (Studies)].

66. Kere = Ground, Land, Earth [Eke (Earth) + Re, Ere (Thing)].

67. Keremi = Paved Road, Field, Landmass [Kere (Land) + Emi (Place, Thing)].

68. Ketso = Holy Person, Holy thing [Ke < Ki (Thing, One) + Tso < Tswa < Etswa < Esa (Holy, Sacred, God)].

69. Kiatswa =Holy Person, Holy thing [Ki (Thing, One) + Tswa < Etswa < Esa (Holy, Sacred, God)].

70. Kobo =Prince, Royal Person, Royalty [Ko < Koro (King, Emperor) + Bo, Ebo (Person)].

71. Kodi =Stranger, Foreigner [Ko (Person) + Di, Edi (Tribe, Language)].

72. Kofian =King, Kingly, Royal Person [Old Nupe: Ko < Ku (Thing, Person) + Fian < Efe (King)].

73. Kolo = King, Emperor; River Spirit, River Niger God, God of the River Niger [< Ko (Thing) + Elo, Ero (Water)] Note: Kolo is an Old Nupe word for Water or the Spirit of a river; but in Middle Nupe Kolo acquired the tropical meaning of a ‘King’. .

74. Koro = King, Emperor; River Spirit, River Niger God, God of the River Niger [< Ko (Thing) + Elo, Ero (Water)] Note: Koro is an Old Nupe word for Water or the Spirit of a river; but in Middle Nupe Koro acquired the tropical meaning of a ‘King’.

75. Kpako = Emperor [Old Nupe: Kpako < Kpakoro < Kpa (Great) + Koro (King)] Note: Kpako was a royal title of the Emperor of the ancient Koro or Gara or Bini Nupe people)].

76. Kpotun = Ambassador [Kpo (Great, Honourable) + Tun < Tunci (Messenger, Deputy)].

77. Kpwatwa {also written as Kpotwa} = King, Emperor, Empire [Old Nupe: Kpwatwa < Twakpwa < Tagwa < Tagwara < Tagara < Ata Gara < Ata (King) + Gara (Gara, Bini Nupe People)] Note: Kpwatwa was an Old Bini Nupe royal title of the Nupe Emperor who ruled over the vast AtaGara or Tako Nupe Empire.

78. Kpotwa {see Kpwatwa} .

79. Kudu = Pond, River, River Niger, Sea, Ocean [Old Nupe: Kuduru < Ku (Thing) + Duru (River, Stream, Water)] .

80. Kure = Warrior, Hunter, Butcher [Hausa: Kure (Male hyena)] Note: In Modern Nupe Kure was initially used as a title to praise great and professional hunters. Kure is later on used to refer to the Head of the Butchers guild.

81. Kuso = Holy, Sacred, Holy Person, Sacred King [Old Nupe: Kuso < Kusa < Ku (Of) + Esa (God, King)].

82. Kusodu = Mayor, Chief, King [Old Nupe: Kuso (Sacred King) + Edu (Settlement, Nation)].

83. Kuta = King [Old Nupe: Ku (One) + Ta < Ata (King)]. Note: Kuta is an ancient Nupe title for a king much the same way as we use Etsu as the royal title for a king today. Other synonymous variants of Kuta includes Kanta, Akanda, Kanda, Guta, Nda etc.

84. Lakpene{see Lakpiania}.

85. Lakpiania {also written as Lakpiana; wrongly written as Lakpene or Lekpene} = Dreamer, Oracle, Spiritualist, Fortuneteller [Old Nupe: Lakpiania (Dream) < La (One, Owner, The) + Kpiania < Kpeara < Kpe ara (Lie down, Sleep, Dream, Consult the Spirit world, Serve as a Spiritual Medium)].

86. Legbo = Jinn, Genie, Spirit; Mighty, Powerful [Old Nupe: Legbo (Water Spirit) < Le (Owner) + Egbo (Might, Power, Influence)].

87. Lerama = Prince, Royal Person, Royalty [Hausa: Yerima < Kanuri: Yerima (Governor of the North) < Yeri (North) + Ma (King)].

88. Liaba = Eba land [Mbiddle Nupe: Ele Aba, Ile Aba (Ebaland) < Eli < Ele (Land) + Aba (Eba, Ebi, Ebe, Egbe, Bini Nupe Subtribe)].

89. Lile = Landlord, feudal lord, Mighty Person, Chief, King, Emperor [Li (Person, Thing) + Le < Ele (Land)]. Note: Lile is an Old Nupe word meaning landlord and used to referred to a feudal lord. It was used in Middle Nupe as a royal title in reference to a king or a ruler in general. The Fulani Jihadists came and banned the use of Lile in reference to a king but it has survived into Modern Nupe as the royal title of the chief of Mokwa.

90. Lolo = Song, Music [Old Nupe: Elo (Talk, Speak, Sing)].

91. Lukpan = Executioner, Official Killer, Warrior, Military Officer [Lu (Owner) + Kpa < Ekpa (Death, Killing)].

92. Madaki = Chamberlain in charge of animal husbandry [Hausa: Madaki < Madawaki < Mai Dawaki (Shepherd)]. Note: Madaki or Madawaki is derived from the Hausa term for a shepherd but Madaki was conferred by the Fulani rulers of Nupe on a powerful royal personage who is an influential member of the Emirate Council and also a leading member of the Order of Waziri.

93. Maji {see Mazhi} .

94. Majin {see Mazhi}.

95. Makun = Crown Prince, Heir Apparent [Ma < Mamman (Prince) + Kun, Ekun (Powerful, Eminence)].

96. Mamman = Prince, Honourable, Chief, Great Person, Parent [Old Nupe: Mamman (Prince) < Ema (Great, Big)].

97. Mandzwakwa = Aborigines, Aboriginal People, Original Homeland [Man (People, Nation) + Dzwakwa (Aborigine)].

98. Manfada = Palace Person [Man (Person, Thing) + Fada (Hausa: Palace)].

99. Manmasun = Prince Esun [Mamman (Prince) + Esun(Life)].

100. Manzuma = Prince Zuma [Mamman (Prince) + Zuma (Rock)].

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Nupe Names and it’s meaning

101. Masaba = Prince Saba [Mamman(Prince) + Saba (High Priest, God’s Messenger, Divine Oracle)].

102. Masin = Tailor [Masin (Machine, Sewing machine)].

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103. Mayaki = War General, General [Hausa: Mai Yaki (War General, Warrior)].

104. Mazhi {wrongly written as Maji or Majin} = Mayor, Chief of the Town [Ma (King) + Zhi, Ezhi (Settlement, Town, City)].

105. Mukun = Food, Foodstuff; Feeder, One who provides food for others [Mu < Emu (Food) + Kun (Thing)]. Note: Mukun originally referred to foodstuff but was also used to refer a wealthy philanthropist who feeds many poor people. It is now used in Modern Nupe to refer to the Head of the Glassmakers’ guild..

106. Nagenu = Royal Person, Prince [Na(Person) + Ge < Egi (God, King) + Nu (Person, One)] .

107. Nagia {wrongly written as Nagya} = Royal Person, Prince [Na (Person) + Gia < Egi (God, King)] .

108. Nagun = Life, Living Thing, Life-giving Charm [Ena (Life) + Egun (Thing)] .

109. Natsu = Prince, Royal Person [Na (Person) + Etsu (King)].

110. Ndabida = King, King of Bida, Master of Bida, Mister Bida [Nda (King, Master, Mister) + Bida] Note: Ndabida was the royal title of the King of Bida when Bida was a Bini settlement before the advent of the Nupe-Fulani Jihadists.

111. Ndabini = Bini Man [Nda (Man, Master) + Bini (An ancient Nupe Subtribe)] Note: The Bini forms the largest Nupe subtribe today and they are in fact the people solely, but wrongly, referred to as the ‘Nupe’ people today.

112. Ndabisan = Chief of the Bisan Nupe People [Nda (Master, Chief) + Bisan (A Subtribe of the Ancient Yisa Nupe People)].

113. Ndace = King, Ruler, Leader, Great Master [Nda (Master) + Ece (Great)] Note: Ndace originally referred to a Great Leader or a King but is now used in Modern Nupe to refer to a hunter.

114. Ndadzan = Master Drummer [Nda (Master) + Edzan (Drummer, Drum)].

115. Ndaeji {see Ndeji}.

116. Ndagi = Paternal Uncle, Master [Nda (Master) + Egi (Thing, One)].

117. Ndagiman = Uncle Man [Ndagi (Paternal Uncle) + Man (Teacher< Hausa: Mallam < Arabic: Mu’alim)].

118. Ndako = Grandfather, Ancestor; Emperor, King [Ndako < Ndakoro < Nda (Master) + Koro (Emperor < King < River)].

119. Ndakogi = Ancestor, Emperor [Ndakogi < Ndakorogi < Ndakoro (Emperor, Ancestor) + Egi (Thing, One, Person)] Note: In Old Nupe Ndako or Ndakoro is the royal title of the Emperor of the Nupe Empire of AtaGara but in Middle Nupe Ndako referred to the ancestors while in Modern Nupe Ndako refers to a Grandfather.

120. Ndakobo = Prince Doyen, Paramount Prince, Heir Apparent; Prince, Royalty [Nda (Master, Man) + Kobo (Prince, Royal Person, Royalty)].

121. Ndakuru = Holy Master, Priest [Nda (Master) + Kuru (Holy Spirit, Sacred)].

122. Ndakuso = Godly Man, Holy Master [Nda (Man) + Kuso (Godly, Sacred)].

123. Ndalati = Farm Master Maste, Field Master [
124. Ndalolo = Song Master, Musician [Nda (Master) + Lolo (Song, Music)].

125. Ndaman = Mister Teacher [Nda (Mister, Master) + Man (Teacher)].

126. Ndaminin = Chamberlain, Master of the House [Nda (Master) + Minin (Chamber, Inner House)].

127. Ndana = Shepherd [Nda (Master) + Ena (Animal)].

128. Ndangboro = Paramount Chief, Big Man [Nda (Master, Man) + Gboro (Big, Chief)].

129. Ndasa = Sacred Master, Holy Priest [Nda (Master) + Sa < Esa (Holy, Sacred)].

130. Ndatsakpe = Priest of Holy Land [Nda (Master, Priest) + Tsa (Holy, Sacred) + Kpe (Land)].

131. Ndayagi = Mister Yoruba, Yoruba man, Yoruba master; River Niger Spirit, River Niger God [Nda (Master, Spirit, God) + Eyagi (Yoruba, River Niger)].

132. Ndayako = Master Emperor, Great Emperor [Nda (Master) + Yako < Yakoro < Ekoro (Koro: Emperor)].

133. Ndeji {also written as Ndaeji} = King, Prime Minister [Nda (Master, King) + Eji < Ezhi (Town, Settlement)].

134. Ninwoye = Very Powerful Person [Nin (Person) + Woye (Powerful Person)].

135. Nkoci {wrongly written as Nkochi} = Councilor [Nko (Council) + Ci (Of)] .

136. Nnadzuma = Madam Friday, Friday Lady [Nna (Lady, Madam) + Dzuma < Juma’a < Hausa: Juma’a < Arabic: Yawm al-Jum’a (Friday)].

137. Nnadzwa = Fresh Lady, Beautiful Woman [Nna (Woman, Madam, Lady) + Dzwa (Fresh)] .

138. Nnafiania = Monarch, King, Kingly [Nna (Owner) + Fia < Fe < Efe (King) + Nia < Ni (Person)].

139. Nnagi = Maternal aunt, Madam [Nna (Madam, Mother) + Egi (Person, Thing, One)].

140. Nnako = Grandmother [Nna (Madam, Mother) + Ko (Great, Grand)].

141. Nnakogi = Grandmother One [Nnako (Grandmother) + Gi (One, Person)].

142. Nnakuso = Godly Woman, Priestess [Nna (Woman) + Kuso
143. Nnakun = War General, Warrior, Death One, Death [Nna (Thing, Person, One) + Kun < Ekun (Death)]. Note: Nnakun radically means death and it was the name of the god of death and, later on, the name of the goddess of death who was personified in the amazon war general woman who always led the Nupe army into all wars.

144. Nnani = Madam, Mother Superior [Nna (Madam) + Eni (Person)].

145. Nnanko = Dame, Council Madam [Nna (Madam, Dame) + Nko (Council, Estate)].

146. Nnalolo = Songstress [Nna (Madam) + Lolo (Song, Music)] .

147. Nmadu = Paterfamilias [Nma (Father, Chief) + Edu (Town, Settlement; Person)]. Note: Nmadu is an Old Nupe word and was not derived from ‘Muhammadu’ as some wrongly claimed.

148. Nnamasa = Masa Fry Woman [Nna (Madam, Lady) + Masa (Deep fried cake)].

149. Nmanna = Mother’s Uncle [Nma (Maternal Uncle) + Nna (Mother)] .

150. Nnasha {wrongly written as Nnashia} = Lady Aisha, Madam Aisha [Nna (Madam, Lady) + Asha (Islamic: Aisha)].

151. Nnashirun = Black One, Holy Female Child [Nna (Madam) + Shirun (Holy Child)].

152. Nnawusa = Sacred Woman [Nna (Madam, Woman) + Wusa (Sacred Person)].

153. Ntatu = Lady Talatu, Madam Talatu [N < Nna (Lady, Madam) + Tatu < Hausa: Talatu < Arabic: Yawm ath-Thalatha (Tuesday)].

154. Nmanda = Great Master, Great Ancestor [Nma (Great, Parent) + Nda (Master)].

155. Rofyan {see Rufian}.

156. Rufian {wrongly written as Rofyan or Rufyan} = King [Ru (Of, One) + Fian < Efe (King)]. Note: Among the ancient Efe or Ife or Apa Nupe people the king was referred to as the Rufian. It is a variant of this same word that has survived among the Oyo Yoruba as Alafin. Other variants of Rufian includes Kofian, Dunfian, etc.

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157. Saba = High Priest, God’s Messenger, Divine Oracle [Sa < Esa (God) + Ba < Eba (Lord, Master)].

158. Sagi = Empress, Queen, King, Emperor [Old Nupe: Sagi < Saragi < Tsaragi < Tsara (King, Divine King)] Note: Tsara or Tsaragi was the royal title of the King of the ancient Esa or Yisa Nupe people. The Nupe King Tsara or Tsaragi is known to Hausa historians as Saraki or Kisra .

159. Sakiwa = Kingly Person, Royal Person [Saki < Saraki (King, Royal) + Wa (Person)].

160. Sambo = Godly Person [Fulani: Sambo (Godly Person, Pious Person) < Sa (Godly) + Ebo (Person)].

161. Shaba = Heir Apparent, King, Kingly, Royal Person [Sha < Esha < Eshi (Person) + Eba (Lord)].

162. Sheshi = Angel, Sky King, God [Old Nupe: Sheshi (Sky Person) < Eshe (Sky) + Eshi (Person)].

163. Shiru = Black One, Holy Child [Shi < Eshi (Black) + Ru (Thing, One)]. Note: In ancient Nupe culture Shiru, meaning the Black One, is the sacred name given to a child born with a caul who is believed to be a holy child from the gods.

164. Shirun {a variant of Shiru; see Shiru}.

165. Sode {a variant of Soje or Soji; see Soje}.

166. Soje = Sacred King
167. Sokyara = Holy Master, Priest [So < Esa (God, Divine) + Ki (Thing, One) + Ara < Ena (Person, Body)].

168. Sonfada {wrongly written as Tsonfada} = Prime Minister [Hausa: Sanfada < Sarkin Fada (King of the Palace) < San < Sarkin (King of) + Fada (Palace)].

169. Sonfadako {wrongly written as Tsonfadako or Sonfarako} = Great Prime Minister < [Sonfada (Prime Minister) + Ko (Great)].

170. Sonfawa = Head Butcher [Hausa: Son < San < Sarkin (King of) + Fawa (Skin, Hide)].

171. Soninya = Queen [Hausa: Sarauniya (Queen)] .

172. Sonmazhi {wrongly written as Sonmaji} = Professional [Son < San < Sarkin (King) + Mazhi (Professional)].

173. Suman = African [Arabic: Usman (The African)].

174. Swasun = Living, Lively Person, Person full of Life [Swa < Esun (Life) + Sun < Esun (Life)].

175. Tako = Monarch, Emperor, Great King [Tako < Takoro < Tagara < Ata Gara (Emperor of the Ancient Gara Nupe Empire)] Note: AtaGara was a great empire of ancient Nupe. AtaGara was also known as AtaKoro or Takoro and the Emperor of Takoro was known as Takoro or simply as Tako.

176. Tatu = Tuesday [Hausa: Talatu < Arabic: Yawm ath-Thalatha (Tuesday)].

177. Tenin = Monday [Hausa: Tani < Arabic: Yawm ath-Thani (Monday)] .

178. Tetengi = Small, Little [Ete (Ground, Land, Tree)].

179. Tsado = Holy Town, Sacred City [Etsa (Holy) + Edo (Town, Settlement, Land, Earth)] .

180. Tsadu = Holy River, River Niger; Holy town, Sacred Town, Holy Settlement [Etsa (Holy, Sacred) + Edu (Water, River, River Niger; Town, Settlement)].

181. Tsadza = Holy Person [Etsa (Holy, Sacred) + Dza, Edza (Person)].

182. Tsaragi = King, Sacred King, Kingly; Godly; Sun [Old Nupe: Tsaragi < Tsara < Etsa (King, Sun, God)] Note: Tsara or Tsaragi was the royal title of the King of the ancient Esa or Yisa Nupe people. The Nupe King Tsara or Tsaragi is known to Hausa historians as Saraki or Kisra.

183. Tsonfada {see Sonfada}.

184. Tsonfadako {see Sonfadako}.

185. Tsudi {wrongly written as Tsoede} = Foreign King, Stranger King [Etsu (King) + Edi (Language)] .

186. Tsunyankpa = Lanlord, Feudal Lord, Principal [Etsu (King, Principal) + Nyankpa (Land, Principality)].

187. Tswaida {also rightly written as Tsoda or Tsoida} = Sacred King, Holy Ruler [Tswa < Etswa (God, Sacred, Holy) + Da < Ta < Ata (King)].

188. Tswanku {also Tswankuku} = Holy One, Holy Person [Tswa < Etswa (God, Sacred, Holy) + Ku (Thing, Person)].

189. Tswankuku {a variant of Tswanku; see Tswanku}.

190. Tswanya = Ruler, King, Royal Person [Old Nupe: Tswanya (King) < Tswa < Etswa < Etsu (King) + Enya (Person)].

191. Tswasha = Divine King [Tswa < Etsu (King) + Sha
192. Ture = European, White man, Foreigner [Hausa: Ture, Turai, Bature (European) < Ture, Toro, Toronkawa < White Fulanis)].

193. Wambai = Minister, King’s Messenger, Lord’s Person [Hausa, Kanuri: Wambai (Minister) < Was (Person) + Eba (Lord)].

194. Wogbo = Great Power [Ewo (Influence, Power) + Gbo (Big, Great)] .

195. Woye = Powerful Person [Wo < Ewo (Power) + Ye < Iye < Iya (Person)].

196. Wusa = Sacred Person [Wu (Person, Thing) + Esa (Holy, Sacred)].

197. Yabagi = Lord’s Person, King’s Officer [Ya < Iya (Person) + Bagi (Lord)].

198. Ya’Iye = Person, Senior Person [Ya (Senior, Person) + Iye, Iya (Person)].

199. Yaman = Elder Teacher [Eya (Elder < Person) + Man (Hausa: Mallam < Arabic: Mu’alim)].

200. Yanda = Elder Master [Eya (Elder < Person) + Nda (Master)].

201. Yawo = Person, Wife [Old Nupe: Yawo (Person) < Iya < Eya (Person) + Ewo (Thing)].

202. Yerama = Prince, Royal Person, Royalty [Hausa: Yerima < Kanuri: Yerima (Governor of the North) < Yeri (North) + Ma (King)].

203. Yerima = Prince [Kanuri: Yerima (Governor of the North) < Yeri (North) + Ma (King)].

204. Yisa = King, Sun, God [Old Nupe: Esa (Ancient Sara Nupe Trinity synonymous word for God, Sun and the King)].

205. Yitsu {a corruption form of Zhitsu; see Zhitsu} .

206. Zhiri {a variant of Zhirin} = Chief, King; Black One [Ezhi (Town) + Eri (Thing, Person)] Note: In ancient times the head or chief or even the king of a town or a city was known as Zhiri or Zhirin which meant ‘Owner of the Town’ .

207. Zhirin {a variant of Zhiri; see Zhiri}.

208. Zhitsu = King [Ezhi (Town) + Etsu (Chief, Head)]
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