
River state college of health science and technology Courses

In this article we shall be looking at river state college of health science and technology Courses and school fees.
Rivers state college of health science and technology Courses

Rivers state college of health science and technology Courses

The following are the list of courses offered at Rivers state college of health science and technology.
1- Environmental Health Technicians (Diploma)
2- Health Promotion and Education (Diploma) 2
3- Community Health Extension Workers Programme (Diploma) 3years
4- Junior Community Health Extension Workers
Programme (Certificate) 2years
5- Emergency Medical technician (Diploma) 3years
6- Dispensing Opticianry Technician Programme
(Diploma) 3 years
7- Pharmacy Technician Programme (Diploma)
8- Medical Social Work (Diploma) 3years
9- Dental Surgery Technician/Dental Health Technician Programme (Diploma) 3years
10- Anesthetic Technician Programm (Certificate) 2years
11- Health Information Management (Professional Diploma) 3years
12- Health Information Management (Abridgement) 1year
13- Hospital/Health Administration (Diploma)
14- Medical Laboratory Technician Programme
(Certificate) 3years
15- Medical Laboratory Technician Programme
(Abridgment) 2years
16- Public Health Nursing (HND) 2years
17- Public Health Nursing Abridgement (Refresher) programme (HND) 1year
18- Public Health (Diploma) 2years
19- Biomedical Engineering Technician Programme (Diploma) 3years

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Rivers State College of Health Science and Technology school fees

The school fees of Rivers State College of Health Science and Technology is estimated to be N120,000.

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