
Niger state postal code

Niger State postal code or zip code is numbers given to towns and cities in Niger State not only in Niger State but Nigeria at large. Postal code are used in many occasions and one of them is post office.

Niger state logo

Niger state zip code

One of the major advantage of postal or zip code is delivery of goods. Your postal code will tell the delivery company where to deliver your products. You need to know your postal code or zip code before you can action something online. So check below to know your postal code of your locality.

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The following are the Niger state portal code or zip code.

Agaie postal code

Kintako — 911105
Kintifi — 911104

Agwarapostal code

Shagunu — 923107

Bida postal code

Darachita Takwasa — 912231
Bangayi Ekpat Sunaru — 912241
Ndenzuba — 912212
Iyaruwa — 912211
Water Works — 912232
Kuchita Ndak Potun — 912221
Bida rurals — 912101

Borgu postal code

Babana — 913106
Wawa — 912105

Bosso postal code

Bejo 920102
Bosso 920102
Chanchaga 920102
Garatu 920102
Kampala 920102
Kodo 920102
Maikunkele 920102
Maitumbi 920102
Shata 920102

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Chanchaga postal code

Babeji 920101
Bako 920101
Bako Pampe 920101
Debbi 920101
Ekpigi 920101
Etsu Musa 920101
G. Dutse 920101
Gwodworo 920101
Jamgaru 920101
Jigbeji 920101
K. Dajuwa 920101
Kampani 920101
Kangwa 920101
Kuka 920101
Kurumi 920101
Lapai 920101
Lashami 920101
Nagun 920101
Nkankutu 920101
Pette 920101
Popoi 920101
Shana 920101
Zakwogi 920101

Gurara postal code

Abuchi 910102
Baji 910102
Boku 910102
Bonu 910102
Daku 910102
Dikko 910102
Gawu 910102
Guna 910102
Gurara 910102
Gwachife 910102
Gwari 910102
Izom 910102
Kabo 910102
Kadna 910102
Kaka 910102
Kungo 910102
Kungoshi 910102
Ladan 910102
Lambata 910102
Lefu 910102
Mararaba 910102
Nasami 910102
Saku 910102
Shanu 910102
Shegi 910102
Tuchi 910102
Tufu 910102
Tuna 910102

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Kontagora postal code

Kontagora zip code is 923101.

Lapai postal code

Birnin Maza — 911101
Ebbo — 911101
Gulu — 911102

Lavun and Edatti postal code

Jima/Doko — 913102
Kutigi/Edatti — 913101

Magama Postal code

Auna — 913106
Ibelu — 913105

Mariga Postal code

Koton Kobo — 922106
Kumbashi — 922105

Minna Postal code

Sabon Gari — 920211
Airport Kwangila — 920271
Barkin sale — 920241
Bosso Dutsin Kura — 920281
Koida Kura — 920272
River Basin Authority — 920282
Tungan Chanchaga — 920242
Baro — 920252
Kpakungu — 920262
Ahmadu Banagu — 920212
Maitumbi Gwadai — 920221
Tungan Alade — 920231
Collage of Education — 920232
Gwada — 920222

Mokwa postal code

Kede Mokw — 913103
Mokwa town — 913104

Munya Postal code

Munya zip code is 921103.

Paikoro Postal code

Kafin Koro — 920104
Paiko — 920103
Rafi Guna — 922102
Kusheri — 922103
Kwon Goma — 922104
Tegina — 922101
Shiroro Galkogo — 921102
Kuta — 921101

Suleja postal code

Suleja zip code is 910101.

Tafa postal code

Tafa zip code is 910103.

Wushishi Postal code

Wushishi zip code is 922107.

Gbako Postal code

Edozhigi — 912102
Lemu — 912103

Mashegu Postal code

Mashegu — 923102
Zugurma — 923103

Katcha Postal code

Badeggi — 912104
Katcha town — 912105

Rijau postal code

Rijau postal code is 923104.

These are the Niger state postal code. If you have any question comment below.

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