
How to apply for Opay POS machine

Do you want to know how to apply for Opay POS machine in Nigeria? If yes, you are in right channel to know how much it cost to get opay pos machine in Nigeria.

How to apply for Opay POS machine.

In this article i will discuss how much you need to have before applying opay pos machines and how to get them in Nigeria without stress.

Opay pos machine is only made for opay register member, that’s you have to be a user of opay.

How To Register with Opay

1: follow this link to register and download opay application.

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Download Opay App

Open the opay application you just downloaded.
Click Sign up or register.
Fill the important space provided.
Check password.
Check you email to verify.
After verification you are successful opay user.

How To Upgrade Opay Account

To reguest opay pos as opay user you must upgrade to KYC level to ‘Merchant Level’ (level 3) to be eligible.

To Upgrade KYC Level 3 ( Merchant Level )
1. Go to ‘Me’

2. Click the picture icon (top left) to go to Account Details

3. Click Upgrade to Level 3

4. Upload your picture

5. Upload a valid ID Card (Intl Passport, Voters’ Card, National ID or Driver’s License)

6. Upload a recent utility bill (PHCN bill, water bill, rent receipt, LAWMA waste bill)

7. Upload your BVN

8. Submit.

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To become fully verify opay merchant level 3 it take 72 hours to customers to review your request.

How To Apply Opay Pos Machine

Open opay application
The Opay Team has to review and approve/
decline your request
Step 3: Merchant Apply
Once you have upgraded to KYC level 3 and you
have switched your OPay profile to Merchant, you
can now go to ‘Merchant Apply’.
Below is a simplified process to folow on how to
successfully go to ‘Merchant Apply’ and request
or apply for an OPay POS Machine in Nigeria.

1. Log in to the OPay app on your device.
2. Choose the ‘Merchant Apply’
opay-pos-merchant-apply-ba icon
3. On the next page, enter all necessary
information as requested
4. Upload your transaction history for the past
3 months
5. Upload a valid ID Card (Intl Passport, Voters’
Card, National ID or Driver’s License)
6. Take a snapshot of you business station and
upload to the portal
7. Submit for review
The Opay Team reviews and approve/decline
your request

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How Much to Apply for an OPay POS
Machine in Nigeria?

The OPay POS application is ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Although, the latest official POS prices for OPay
POS machine was N50,000 for OPay Smart POS,
N35,000 for OPay Traditional POS, and N8,500
for OPay Mini POS.

After I apply,

when will I get the OPay POS?

Turn-around time for pending OPay POS requests
is 24 hours. This means if you apply for an OPay
POS Machine in Nigeria at 2pm today, you can
have it before 2pm tomorrow. You will get an
SMS/Email once it is approved or declined.

What are the OPay POS charges and
commission structure?

Opay POS charges and commission structure
vary by the volume of the transaction done via
the terminal.

What if I have an issue with the POS device

Once your request for the POS terminal is
approved, you will be contacted by the support
team in charge of agents about the pick-up of
the POS device for immediate use.
An engineer
will also be assigned to tend to you and other
OPay agents in your area. For issues and inquiries on any of these steps,
contact OPay via email on ng-pos-issues@opay-

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